
Ensure Safe Migrations: Move Apps One at a Time, Not in a “Big Bang”

Most IAM changes or migrations involve huge costs and man-effort, as years of integration work are updated or simply redone. Worse, all of these changes and migrations must happen simultaneously and go live in a single “Big Bang” approach. SSO/Rest removes the need to risk this ordeal by providing a safe and simple migration path [...]

Modernize your Web Access Management

The first truly modern Web Access Management product, SSO/Rest does far more than provide Cloud-enabled enterprise WAM. Incorporating powerful new management tools (e.g. admin self-service for plugin registration, web services for automated orchestration, an automated testing/self-diagnostic tool, and an Elastic Stack-driven dashboard for health and performance monitoring), SSO/Rest will both reduce your operational workload and increase [...]

Protect Cloud-deployed Applications with Zero Trust Access Management

SSO/Rest enables you to protect and manage your Cloud-deployed apps with your current Web Access Management platform (or alternatively as a stand-alone Access Manager) just as if they were still in your data center. And unlike federation-based approaches, SSO/Rest queries your centralized, fine-grain access control policies in real-time to ensure that every request gets vetted before ever [...]

Easily Integrate Rich Browser and Mobile Applications into Your Access Management Environment

SSO/Rest allows your enterprise to harness the power of your WAM infrastructure directly from all your client platforms with minimal modifications to your existing applications using an intuitive and simple REST API. Rich client integration supports AJAX, Adobe Flex, Microsoft Silverlight, mobile applications, and other rich content platforms.